A while back, I purchased the BlueAnt X5 Stereo Bluetooth Headset (http://www.myblueant.com/x5_stereo_bluetooth_headset_headphones_a2dp.htm). This headset works great with my mobile phone which supports A2DP so I can enjoy my tunes in stereo, then switch over to voice mode for talking, and switch back without having to touch my phone.
I was also anticipating a similar experience in using my headset with my PC, but it turns out the Windows XP comes with a bluetooth driver built in that didn’t support the advanced features I wanted. The X5 does come with a streaming accessory that plugs into the headphone and microphone jack of your PC, but there is a noticeable lag if you’re watching videos and it just didn’t reel right having to plug that in instead of using bluetooth. After spending time looking for an easy fix, I ended up buying a bluetooth dongle that has worked perfectly using the included bluetooth drivers. After getting the ASUS dongle: http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16833320016, all seems to be working great. Now I can stand up and stretch out during those long skype conference calls!
One caveat is that you can’t pair the headset with both the PC and phone at that same time, but I’m sure technology will get there.